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Show HN: Open Source Suite for Binary Analysis, Based on QEmu and LLVM (rev.ng)
46 points by elroncio on Nov 25, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

We did a high level comparison of all the binary lifters out there and posted it in the mcsema readme: https://github.com/trailofbits/mcsema#comparison-with-other-...

tl;dr the lifters you should consider using are mcsema and retdec. Most others are abandoned or seriously limited in what they can do.

Does that list only include binary-to-llvm lifters, since it is missing at least valgrind (vex) and BAP (bapil) otherwise?

I gave a look the table you linked and it is outdated to say the least. Commercial support is available, for example.

È sempre bello vedere dei conterranei su HN! ;)

Looks pretty abandoned.

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