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Tau Prolog: A Prolog Interpreter in JavaScript (tau-prolog.org)
97 points by aarroyoc on Nov 24, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

It's advertised as working in IE6 ... and Netscape Navigator?!

Looks like it could greatly simplify distribution of Prolog scripts. I've found the SWI Prolog web docs a bit difficult to wrap my head around. Thanks for posting this.

Does anyone here have insight into the different Prolog implementations and the key considerations that go into designing an optimal engine?

I don't have much to add other than that the Warren Abstract Machine seems to be particularly popular as an abstract model for implementing Prolog. If you haven't looked into it yet, this may be a good start for you.


Amazing! Prolog is my favorite language. I will definitely give this a good try, and have fun with it. So cool!

Could you please link some good tutorials that you like? I was always interested in its usage to build my own simple AI system.

I've enjoyed these:



And I'm currently working my way through this book: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/art-prolog-second-edition (free PDF available)

The undergraduate logic programming course I took used Learn Prolog Now! which is available online for free. [1] I found it to be pretty straightforward and helpful.

[1] http://www.learnprolognow.org/lpnpage.php?pageid=online

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