These technical problems you present, are difficult but solvable if a big player is willing to pitch in.
I don't like to target specific words, but the problems you specify apply to JS as much as they do to any other language.
A C/rust like language has far better CPU/memory efficiency than JS.
A batteries included language like python might even be better at network latency since it doesn't have to bundle in the code that should've been in a stdlib, not client code.
We use different languages because they are good at different things. The browser doesn't seem to respect this Philosophy :(
I don't like to target specific words, but the problems you specify apply to JS as much as they do to any other language.
A C/rust like language has far better CPU/memory efficiency than JS.
A batteries included language like python might even be better at network latency since it doesn't have to bundle in the code that should've been in a stdlib, not client code.
We use different languages because they are good at different things. The browser doesn't seem to respect this Philosophy :(