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Fusion is not a chain reaction. The energy maintained for this is incredible and it can’t run away. Fusion has no toxic or radioactive bioproducts.

As a power source fusion is pretty good, which is why it’s such a target for research.

See: http://www.fusenet.eu/node/38

> Fusion has no toxic or radioactive bioproducts.

D-T fusion, which is the easiest to achieve and perhaps sustain, directly produces He nuclei (that is, alpha particles) and rather energetic neutrons at 14 MeV. Those neutrons, aside from being a form of ionizing radiation themselves, are bound to transmute some of the surrounding material into radioactive isotopes. So, I don't think that "no toxic or radioactive byproducts" is correct. However, the results are easier to handle than those of fission reactors.

I don't know a lot about fusion, however «no radioactive bioproducts» seems to be off. I just read Wikipedia, and the deuterium-tritium reaction produces neutrons. Radiation seems to be not as bad as for fission reactions, however it is NOT radiation-free.

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