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This is not surprising at all. For the past couple of years, Oracle's behavior has been egregious at best.

You can pick up any of their product and find that MYSQL, MS-SQL etc are supported but 2001/03 release because of "incompatibility issues". If that is not enough Oracle's support is clueless about what are these "incompatibility issues". And given the precarious security environment we are in, everyone needs a DB which has been patched sufficiently and allows newer features like TLS 3.0 etc, you are left with no choice but to go for the only supported DB is Oracle DB. I have sat in many meetings where the CIO/CTO have seen this as an arm twisting tactic by Oracle.

I am no market expert but if Oracle keeps going down this path they will cease to exist in next 10-15 years.

They just keep buying niche enterprise applications that have entrenched non-technical users and then raise prices, drop interoperability with non Oracle and start milking.

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