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Speaking of words ... here's one of my favorite German compound words:

Verschlimmbesserung — "an intended improvement that makes things worse"

I'm sure many of us here can relate to the word :D

History of the word:

"This construction doesn’t just present contrasting concepts. It also employs a playful use of German’s grammatical structures to tie them together. The word begins with two verbs – verschlimmern (“to worsen”) and verbessern (“to improve”). It then conflates their prefixes (ver-), and adds the suffix (-ung) to turn it into a noun. This process compresses an idea that only a wordy English translation can unpack: “an intended improvement that makes things worse."

Source: https://theconversation.com/why-the-german-language-has-so-m...

Back in the '90s, David Pogue did a column in MacWorld where he introduced a bunch of terminology that he thought the tech industry needed.

One of those, the only one I remember, was "corrupgrade", for exactly that.

I've heard that called "refucktoring" :)

Haha. A German colleague called it "inferiprovement". But I like the version you heard better.

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