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   Although, as we show in [1], determinism may
   formally be shown to be consistent, there is no
   longer any evidence that supports it, in view of the
   fact that classical physics has been superseded by
   quantum mechanics, a non-deterministic theory.
I am surprised at the number of folks who still try to argue that science (particularly physics) has "proved" that these is no free will. This may in fact be true, but you can't argue that it follows from Physics in a post-Quantum world.

The followup argument is usually something along the lines of quantum mechanics is just probabilistic as far as we know.

Quantum physics doesn't allow for free will in an otherwise deterministic universe, any more than hooking up a RNG to a computer allows for the computer to have free will.

Not in my understanding. The probabilities are only involved when a quantum superposition collapses to a classic state. Note that the paper makes it clear that probabilities are not used anywhere in their argument.

Yeah exactly, what does quantum mechanics even have to do with it?

This is just scientism if you ask me.

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