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Hmm, I'm not very familiar with Techmeme. Isn't it just a CMS? It doesn't sound very interesting, sadly :/

Techmeme takes feeds of news items and clusters them based on their timestamp, related keywords, and internal links to determine what the hottest stories are in Tech right now. It's an automated, super smart Tech news aggregator. It's not a CMS. It's a web app where you feed it RSS feeds, and it tells you what the hottest stories across all those sources are right now. It's awesome.

It's a crime that we don't have Techmeme-like sites for more verticals than Tech and Media news. That's what I'm interested in and have made progress on.

Oh, I see. That's potentially very interesting (and I have a masters in machine learning, so it shouldn't be too hard to pull off). Send me an email and let's see if we can whip something up quickly?

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