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Clickable link to bloggergirl's startup: http://page99test.com/

I know it's standard internet stuff, but if I click on a big button saying "Start reading", I want to start reading. I do not want a big form asking me to register. If I like the service, yes, I will want to register, but give me a chance to form an opinion first.

Yes. There's a strategy of "gradual engagement": http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1128 (HN: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1774007) gives some specific ideas on implementing it - and some impressive results.

Basically, don't require more info from the user than you need right now. An example is you can read HN/reddit without an account - but if you want to vote/submit/comment, you need an account (and that's all: email etc is optional).

Although you might really want signups, and so it seems to makes sense to get them ASAP, the counter-productive result is that people don't go further. I didn't; the GP didn't - and that's even after the wonderful publicity here on HN. You've got to make it as adoptable as possible.

My test with gradual engagement was an epic, epic failure for my business, for what it is worth. I got vanishingly few customers and they caused hugely disproportionate support issues. (Exacerbated by one poor implementation choice.)

yep. i wanted to explore the site, the idea sounded interesting, and i was kindly-disposed towards bloggergirl due to the impressive website review she did, but when the registration form came up i just closed it and moved on. maybe i'll check it out later when i haven't spent the last fifteen hours at work, but right now the cognitive load and annoyance cost of registration is more than i'm willing to subject myself to.

Er, I just signed up to page99test.com, and two "page 99's" in I think I'm hooked. This site isn't launched? Perhaps bloggergirl should do a "Review my startup" here on HN, because I already have feedback: I already want to read more than one page, and possible even buy the book, but can't...

Perhaps page99test should offer discounts or early access to books.

Check out my side project, http://www.onepageperday.com

Well, here it goes:

1) White text on brown background is very difficult to read for many people.

2) Horizontal scrolling is bad.

3) The main headline is far too big. You should be able to take in a headline in a single glance.

4) The placement of the gigantic green button seems somewhat arbitrary. In general, those buttons always look as if they've been designed for a baby toy.

5) I'm forced to create an account to read a sample.

6) The "written about by" references are not clickable.

The general impression is that the site looks cluttered, trying to spread out a modest amount of actual information over as large an area as possible.

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