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On Not Allowing Users to Register
1 point by MobileDigit on May 1, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I was watching a Google video (http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=Designing+Next+Gen+Web+Apps) about designing the user interface for web apps and it talked about Measure Map (http://measuremap.com/).

It looked like a pretty neat product, but when I tryed to examine it more closely, it would't let me register.

I have some vague ideas about why they wouldn't want me to, but from a business standpoint, if someone is inquiring about your product shouldn't you want them to be able to?

They were bought by google and are closed to new users while they go through the google intergrate and then kill process.

That sound you hear? That is the sound of google swatting small businesses.

(with a huge wad of cash)

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