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I haven't been to africa but i've been to a lot of supposedly 'dangerous' places and most of them are not so bad if you avoid doing the kinds of things that get tourists in trouble (drugs).

Or are a woman travelling alone.

TBH a woman travelling alone is at risk pretty much anywhere in the world other than the Vatican

Only if you forget to account for the level of risk.

Please don't perpetuate the negative myths. I have met multiple women traveling solo in Africa, having the time of their lives. If you're smart, it's fine.

My mother (a white woman walking alone) was held by armed guards just outside Lagos, Nigeria until her male "chaperone" came to get her.

They also charged him money for the exchange.

Sorry you feel I am perpetuating a negative "myth." I might agree that it is a stereotype, but it is still true. This was 2 years ago.

Absolutely. Solo men get kidnapped near Lagos too, so I'm not sure your story "proves" anything.

> If you're smart, it's fine

You just confirmed it’s no myth. Not everybody is smart _all_ the time.

I don't believe a smart solo women is in any more danger than a smart solo man.

So it's a myth to say "solo women" is a problem.

You should say "solo stupid traveler" is a problem.

It's not that women are a problem. It's that in some places, women are treated badly.

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