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So we'll need 3 servers instead of 1 just for serving HTTP?

Nginx can support HTTP 1.0, 1.1, and 2 all at once. I'd suspect one day it will be able to support 3 as well. And I'd imagine that any other server software of consequence is going to as well.

Yes, and the more protocols running, the less likely it is to ever be replaced some day. Who has the time to write 2 (1.0 and 1.1 are basically equal) servers for a minimum package?

If somebody still sold HTTP servers, I would look how this one was bribing the standardizing process. But it looks like people are doing it freely.

I really can't figure out what you are saying. I don't see any evidence of bribery. And the technologies we're talking about have pretty legitimate reasons for existing. So, ...?

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