Finger tracking and finger haptics both have good working prototypes in AR.
I'm talking above about full body standalone/wireless headset AR (like magic leap) not "point your phone camera at a QR card" AR. Full body is active and immersive. You can jump, run, turn around, and it tracks and models the 3D space around you in real time. It really is something special, and Bretts talents in dynamic collaboration are exactly what is needed in this new tech field.
Instead he's huddled under projectors pinning paper QR codes to chipboard like it's 1980 when he could and should be pushing the frontier of interaction and design where his work can make a huge difference.
I'm talking above about full body standalone/wireless headset AR (like magic leap) not "point your phone camera at a QR card" AR. Full body is active and immersive. You can jump, run, turn around, and it tracks and models the 3D space around you in real time. It really is something special, and Bretts talents in dynamic collaboration are exactly what is needed in this new tech field.
Instead he's huddled under projectors pinning paper QR codes to chipboard like it's 1980 when he could and should be pushing the frontier of interaction and design where his work can make a huge difference.