Speaking of homemade RFID tags, a couple impressive hacks.
1. Micah Elizabeth Scott built a working RFID tag using just two parts: an ATTiny85 micro controller and a small inductor. The two leads of the inductor are soldered directly to two I/O pins of the processor.
That is the only connection to the processor. The power and ground pins are not connected. The processor gets power via leakage current from the I/O pins. It gets clocked from one of those I/O pins, too.
2. Here's another one of hers, this time with a coil made from magnet wire, and with fancier mounting. The coil, processor, and this time a couple of tuning capacitors, is squished onto duct tape and sealed with clear packing tape.
Sounds like he's connected with youtube now. I'm sure the team is checking out that feedback. So, hopefully it'll get fixed as it's bad for both content creators and viewers. The video was pretty cool. Really liked the all access "how it's made" type content. Pretty cool.
It won't revert the damage it's done already, though. Youtube, being the main source of income for so many creators, plays a dangerous game with those 'beta-tests', offering apparently not-well-tested features to the creators, playing with their revenue as a result.
It seem inevitable that YouTube will always drive creators revenue down to 'subsistence' level, where 'subsistence' is just enough to keep them making videos. From a shareholder's point of view, anything more is giving away money.
1. Micah Elizabeth Scott built a working RFID tag using just two parts: an ATTiny85 micro controller and a small inductor. The two leads of the inductor are soldered directly to two I/O pins of the processor.
That is the only connection to the processor. The power and ground pins are not connected. The processor gets power via leakage current from the I/O pins. It gets clocked from one of those I/O pins, too.
2. Here's another one of hers, this time with a coil made from magnet wire, and with fancier mounting. The coil, processor, and this time a couple of tuning capacitors, is squished onto duct tape and sealed with clear packing tape.
3. Trammell Hudson made use of her antenna and processor only design for a project of his, which has a pretty good write up.