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> Or just install what you need from the OS if you have root.

The availability of libraries is not the problem. The availability of language features is. Manually replacing the OS version of a ubiquitously-depended-on language as root seems like a very poor idea. The last time I tried that with Perl, I broke GNU Parallel (whose Perl code is a fascinating read, by the way!).

> Or use plenv and cpanm and whichever Perl version you want to create a local environment.

I agree; that's the right approach (or Perlbrew or any other portable-Perl installer). GP was responding to someone who argued against using venv, which is the equivalent of plenv.

I was arguing about installing Perl modules from the distribution's repository as root, not replacing the system interpreter. The other solution is system wide module install with cpanm. Perl5 has plugin "language features" available via modules such as Moo, Role::Tiny, MOP, autobox, Clone etc.

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