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I was introduced to this idea on the comp.risks forum, where it was presented as an attack on an answering machine with a 5-digit passcode, which, naively, would require an average of 50,000 guesses of 5 digits each, or 250,000 key presses. But this particular device not only didn't lock out after some number of incorrect guesses, it didn't require a separator character between guesses. It just listened for the correct five digits consecutively, regardless of what you had entered before. So a superpermutation just 153 digits long was sufficient to crack every device.

I think you must be misremembering; if you dial a sequence of 153 digits, you can't possibly test more than 149 different 5-digit substrings.

Possibly. It was 20 years ago. I'm reconstructing via my (possibly flawed) understanding of the linked article. (My vague recollection was something like 250 digits for a 4-digit passcode.)

And I just realized I mistakenly conflated 5-digit permutations of 5 digits with 5-digit passcodes of 10 digits. Whoops.

You’re thinking of De Brujin sequences, not superpermutations, unless there’s an additional restriction that a digit cannot be used twice in a password.

Yes, and in this case the sequence is specifically the "classic" De Bruijn sequence [1]; however, there are other sequences that bear De Bruin's name, such as the Moser de Bruijn sequence, which is the one I reference most due to its relation to Z-order curves and pairing functions.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bruijn_sequence

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moser-de_Bruijn_sequence

NB: I suspect the number you are thinking of is a 2530 digit sequence on a 4-digit lock, not 153 on 5...


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