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We've had something similar in Denmark for a couple of years: https://www.borger.dk/ (translation: citizen)

English version (smaller but directed at non-citizens): https://lifeindenmark.borger.dk/

It's crazy how much you can do on your own and it leads you to wherever you need to go.

The website also changes the available subjects based on the municipal you live in (as an option to avoid confusion).

Almost every page has been written and updated by one of the departments in the government as noted at the bottom of every page.

Sample pages to look at:

https://www.borger.dk/bolig-og-flytning/flytning_oversigt (landing page with popular shortcuts/subjects)

https://www.borger.dk/bolig-og-flytning/flytning_oversigt/fl... (subjects and Start buttons for forms and guides either on borger.dk or one of the other gov websites such as https://virk.dk (company/business registration/management) and https://sundhed.dk (health database with knowledge and journals)

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