That's why I like Erlang, it allows for multiple function heads and pattern matching. So these kind of tables are very easy to represent without too much noise:
fizzbuzz(N) ->
case {N rem 3, N rem 5} of
{0, 0} -> "FizzBuzz";
{0, _} -> "Fizz";
{_, 0} -> "Buzz";
{_, _} -> N
Here I used a case statement, but it also matches the shape pretty well.
That's valid code, not pseudocode, you can compile it in a module an run it.
Notice how multiple function clauses separated by ; allow much nicer code patches. If a function wasn't working well, instead of adding an if statement inside, you can add another function clause instead.
I personally prefer Elixir but I have to say that the more I use Erlang libraries (like for state machines, trees and graphs) the more I grow fond of it and the more I view both languages as what they really are: a brother and a sister. ^_^
The other example:
Here I used a case statement, but it also matches the shape pretty well.That's valid code, not pseudocode, you can compile it in a module an run it.
Notice how multiple function clauses separated by ; allow much nicer code patches. If a function wasn't working well, instead of adding an if statement inside, you can add another function clause instead.