So you have perfect pitch and does that equate to having a good quality singing voice (others enjoy listening to you)?
It is a weird phenomenon and I think songwriting is too .. like why do Melodies and lyrics (usually somewhat jumbled) I never heard before pop in my head? Where does that come from?
> So you have perfect pitch and does that equate to having a good quality singing voice (others enjoy listening to you)?
At the simplest there's 2 components in enjoying somebody sing:
- They have a pretty-ish voice that they master. Absolute pitch doesn't help for that, just like it doesn't help for any other instrument.
- They sing on tune. Absolute pitch doesn't help either, anybody can tune themselves on a background music. Even if a capella, everybody without an absolute pitch won't know if you don't start on the right note
> like why do Melodies and lyrics (usually somewhat jumbled) I never heard before pop in my head? Where does that come from?
Pattern matching, which the brain is extremely good at
It is a weird phenomenon and I think songwriting is too .. like why do Melodies and lyrics (usually somewhat jumbled) I never heard before pop in my head? Where does that come from?