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I believe this man had a silent partner in creating doge, who also ended up holding nothing. Not mentioned here though.

That's the "Billy Markus". They're mentioned in the opening. And yes, he got nothing out of it.

Was the partner a Shiba Inu?

(Disclaimer: I'm not a shibe let alone a Dogecoin expert or insider, so all of this is just from casual observation. OTOH I do know one of the current devs http://coloringcrypto.com/index.php/2018/03/12/29-part-3-ori... personally—he's on here as rnicoll—so I'm not unbiased either. On the third hand, I'm speaking for myself here, and what I say isn't co-ordinated with or approved by him or anyone else. And it sure as heck is not investment advice or a substitute for your own due diligence.)

Are you thinking of Billy Markus? He's in the article. He's lower-profile than Jackson Palmer but his involvement is by no means a secret: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/jp5x3d/dogecoins-... . It seems that Markus did all the actual initial software, having begun work on it before Palmer independently came up with the (rather brilliant) Dogecoin name and marketing strategy.

(The other essential piece of journalism on the history of Dogecoin seems to be https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/78xqxb/the-guy-wh... )

I'm a little skeptical about Palmer's ongoing Dogecoin apology tour. Partly that's because it looks like another marketing operation to me. That's not to say that what he's saying is simply insincere. But I do get the impression that when he saw the marketing opportunity to be the founder of a far-out, headline-generating cryptocurrency he seized on that; and now that he sees the opportunity to be the remorseful crypto-skeptic, delivering what-have-I-wrought confessions to a media that's mostly soured on cryptocash and is now highly receptive to that message, he's pouncing on that opportunity too.

> When I asked about the recent Coinbase rumor, he answered, albeit hesitantly. “There’s no way of submitting all the legal documentation that Coinbase requires. It’s by no means likely that they’ll get it.”

This does seem to be accurate https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/9j1yuf/dogecoin_d... https://twitter.com/langer_hans/status/1051943757715820545 but the reason why is hardly something that reflects only badly on Dogecoin. Evidently the Coinbase application process is designed for VC-funded startups, while Dogecoin is closer to a community-run open source project, led by people who have day jobs in tech and aren't gambling on a big ICO bonanza.

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