As a dev from non-CS major, I personally havn't learnt anything about Lisp but I would like to know. Is Clojure (specifically ClojureScript) a good start to study about it?
Clojure is a modernised version of Lisp. It compiles to Java bytecode and runs on the JVM. Clojurescript compiles to Javascript for use in the browser. Some amazing programming tools have been written for Clojurescript. The community is very robust and opinionated, in a good way I think.
Clojure is very modern with its vectors and maps. Lisp is more of an antique, a very valuable antique though. its very interesting to learn about both at the same time, as I did :)
I just want to say that the tooling setup isn't great and you kinda have to buy into a small ecosystem to do clojurescript Dev and the easiest is probably to use lein+lein-figwheel. If you have any questions feel free to ask!