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I've been meaning to read this book, is it actually good? Is it reliable, or are the contents controversial?

> is it actually good?

While it may be, I found it difficult to get into. I felt like I was reading a long rant that was peppered w/ interesting facts here and there. I put it down years ago with the intent to try again. I've not gotten back to it yet.

A book I recommend that does touch on the S&L scandal is Lying for Money (Dan Davies). The Outlaw Bank (Beaty & Gwynne) was also an awesome read.

As for the greater topic of white collar crime, it's a key ingredient of the cake, forever to be baked in. My professional advise to folks is simply to be aware of that and act accordingly. Can't say much more than that on the matter.

Why are those mutually exclusive in your mind?

Controversial means i have to do a lot of research to determine whence the controversy and which side to trust, if any. (Which I don’t have the domain knowledge nor time for.)

Lack thereof, many people agreeing on the contents, is a sign that you can read the book and (sort of) trust it.

Nothing guarantees nothing, cogito ergo sum and all that, but it’s a good heuristic.

“In my mind,” of course ;)

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