Indeed, modern science is based on lots of prior knowledge. I like to remember that we could still be very wrong about how everything works. That’s what the missing 5/6ths of unexplainable behavior tells us, for one. For two, I hope (personally) that we are wrong about many things. Our current theories lead to some very bleak realities.
But, ultimately, it’s important to not become skeptical to the point of tearing down progress. It’s one thing to keep an open mind and consider other options. It’s all too easy for bad actors to sell snake oil as a product of the unknown or unexplainable - or even just attack and destroy progress.
But, ultimately, it’s important to not become skeptical to the point of tearing down progress. It’s one thing to keep an open mind and consider other options. It’s all too easy for bad actors to sell snake oil as a product of the unknown or unexplainable - or even just attack and destroy progress.