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See what you can create with 140 characters of JavaScript and a canvas (dwitter.net)
183 points by pajtai on Oct 12, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

These all assume certain variables are pre-defined but nowhere does it say what they are.

Edit: If you hit "New dweet" it tells you.

u(t) is called 60 times per second.

t: Elapsed time in seconds.

S: Shorthand for Math.sin.

C: Shorthand for Math.cos.

T: Shorthand for Math.tan.

R: Function that generates rgba-strings, usage ex.: R(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

c: A 1920x1080 canvas.

x: A 2D context for that canvas.

I've always wished they'd have totally embraced their shortcuts and added as many as possible.

they could shorten every setter and function so c.width could just be w() or c.w= and c.fillStyle could just be fs(style) or c.fs=

They arbitrary shorten somethings but not others seems well... arbitrary

You know, the 140 chars limit or even the fact that there should be a limit at all is arbitrary too :)

Hmm, a Short JS or Golfed JS standard should be ratified.

Like jQuery.

"But that's cheating!", people will say. I disagree; JS is verbose, but it's so widespread that if we can shorten it will result in new levels of compact creativity that we are missing out on. And JS is so full of frameworks, something like this wouldn't set that much precedent.

Well, I have done just about all I can to do to make the Matrix digital rain, but I am sadly 100 bytes over. I am out of time to kill, but if you aren't, please take this off of my hands. :)

  with(x)for(fillStyle="#000",fillRect(0,0,1e4,1e4),font="32px m",i=0;1920>i;i+=32)for(j=0,a=((2166136261*i^16777619)+960*t)%2160;b=255*(32>a-j),1080>j&&j<a;j+=42)fillStyle=R(b,765+j-a+b,b,1),fillText(String.fromCharCode((i+j)%85+12353),i,j);

This is how far I got starting from yours. I've no idea how the code works I just kept bashing on it.



Here is a much nicer version with white droplets. I think I'm done for today


174 it feels close. I dropped the text and went with numbers. (sorry for any duplicate notification spam)

   with(x)for(fillStyle="#000",font="2em m",fillRect(i=0,o=32,n=1920,n);n>i;i+=o)for(j=0,a=((2e7*i^1e9)+n*t)%n;n>j&&j<a;j+=o)fillStyle=R(b=n*(o>a-j),n/2+j-a,b),fillText(j%9,i,j)



This is great, I've been tempted by js1k a number of times but the concept of a deadline and 1k limit is actually quite procrastonation inducing for me... 140 bytes forces me to experiment and not over think.

So happy to see some fellow norwegian developers mentioned here.

Where is the Javascript running, the backend or the in my browser?

It's running in the browser. Right click inspect to see it.

Truly amazing website. Being transition to learn JS/Typescript lately, I come to understand how powerful this scripting language is to power the whole Internet.

I think this idea is cool, but I cant read this inline javascript. To the creators of this site, please add an option to view the code formatted with prettier

you could probably golf this classic one with your method:

<div id=B text=snow bgColor=0><script>Ô=setInterval("m='';c=Math.cos;for(ô=0;ô<65;)m+='<p style=position:absolute;top:'+(42+(z=399/(73-(++ô+Ô++&63)))c(ô.9))+'%;left:'+(50+z*c(ô))+(z>>3?'%>.':'%;color:#456>.');B.innerHTML=m",49)</script>

Are there any tutorials for getting started with this?

Demoscene competitions.

Check tutorials for 64 KB, 4 KB and such.

Think of 140 characters as trying to do 140 byte executables.

The basic idea is to first create whatever you want to achieve, without thinking too much about the size.

Then you iterate the algorithm, reducing the size until it achieves the desired goal.

In the process it helps to make use of typical demoscene technics, namely packers/minifiers, procedural generation.

More validation that I'm a shitty JS developer.

> function u(t) {

why does he not use


I hadn't learned about arrow functions yet when it was written in 2015 :)

Method signature is not included in the count.

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