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You would need the right because there are severe repercussions for failure in suicide.

- The stats are against you with a far higher risk of surviving any suicide attempt. Yes, in older age that risk "goes down" probably due to subconscious acceptance of the killing action, whereas a youth might use suicide as desperate cries for attention and not fully commit to go through because there's a glimmer of hope in the back of the mind that someone will save you from yourself. You can look up the stats, even shooting yourself with a gun in the head is usually _survivable_ although you may end up in far greater pain both emotionally and physically, locked in a comatose or paralyzed state and sustaining heavy damage. The 'easy' ways out that are entirely painless, even euphoric, and completely reliable methods of extinguishing consciousness are heavily guarded by gatekeepers who will make sure that it's not accessible so as to keep miserable, dependent, but profitable people in the land of the living even if that means torture in this worldly purgatory.

- The resulting involuntary commitment to psychiatric "services" which will most likely involve a long-term chemical straightjacket and physical confinement that externally may appear to be vegetative and without markers of sentience or apparent pain, but internally are a hell that few truly experience while here on Earth.

- Succession legalities that are currently minefields including the specifics of property transfer, insurance payouts, and in more theocratic/authoritarian states/communities the family members left behind may be the victims of ostracization, excommunication, or even incarceration.

Suicide bag is simple fast and painless method that can be self-administered or assisted. You just need a bottle of nitrogen and some other items.

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