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That is the answer I was looking for. And also shows what I know, as I just learned that SmartOS is not the same as OpenSolaris. (Thanks!)

> I‘m against object oriented programming.

I just went back and read your profile again. Just wondering, what do you support instead? (At a guess I'd say functional programming?)

I've often heard and suspected for myself after gaining some "industry experience" that the Object-Oriented principles taken by themselves without a strong lead designer who is vocal about (his or her) strong opinions and willing to call out bloated, poorly thought-out designs... will simply tend toward generating a Big Ball of Mud, or "Shanty-town" code.

Is this generally how you feel about the subject? I think we'd probably get along well and I'd certainly like to hear from you again.

I'm against object oriented programming because the code written in that way is needlessly complex and unmaintainable. Experience taught me that procedural, respectively the functional approach produce code which is easy to understand and therefore debug and maintain.

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