Even elite University education in STEM is a terrible investment. All the people boostering it are recipients of multiple selection filters or from different age cohorts and really have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.
When you do the math - it's terrible compared to almost any other alternative - even minimum wage jobs.
This doesn't apply if you have a wealthy family and can be assured of a job with dad's company or other connections - but for a blue collar kid university is not a good route to fortune in the UK.
The level of effort required and the wages are simply not commensurate and everybody who thinks so is delusional because they're not comparing and contrasting the effort with other options. The stats are all skewed by confounding factors like half your class will be going to work for Goldman Sachs.
Modern universities are a way of manufacturing poor people with stunted ambitions, not upward social mobility.
When you do the math - it's terrible compared to almost any other alternative - even minimum wage jobs.
This doesn't apply if you have a wealthy family and can be assured of a job with dad's company or other connections - but for a blue collar kid university is not a good route to fortune in the UK.
The level of effort required and the wages are simply not commensurate and everybody who thinks so is delusional because they're not comparing and contrasting the effort with other options. The stats are all skewed by confounding factors like half your class will be going to work for Goldman Sachs.
Modern universities are a way of manufacturing poor people with stunted ambitions, not upward social mobility.