> And the Democrats? I remember the Democrats laughing at McCain talking about the Russian threat.
The Obama administration warned about the Russian threat. The Republican party has been coopted by it. How does that place any blame on the left when it has been the RNC who's allowed itself to be infiltrated by external actors?
> Largely the same?
The GOP had never been in favor of the tariffs Trump proposes. The current platform is entirely inconsistent.
Question: what if any criticisms of the modern Democratic party would you hear and think are warranted and deserved, would you be willing to articulate those criticisms or are they spotless blameless and perfect as a party?
This is my problem with the people who think it's not a "both sides" issue or that both sides dont have serious issues that makes people want to have nothing to do with their affiliations. Not that they disagree with my personal critiques of the left; but that they are typically so married to their party it is functionally impossible for them to find any fault or willingess to critique their side for the better when it's absolutey called for and necessary. Instead it's a matter of"YOU tell ME what wrong with the party and I'll tell you why you're wrong".
They will turn right around and blame "the other" or explain every failing of their opponents with vigor, with a straight face and not a single hint of irony or self-awareness for things like straight ticket voting or blind partisan loyalty
If you ignore the baggage in your ranks, you be signaled to everyone else it's fine for them to do the same.
And the Democrats? I remember the Democrats laughing at McCain talking about the Russian threat.
> On trade and commerce? Deficits?
Largely the same?
> Military intervention?
Ok sure the Republicans aren’t the war hawks they once were but many of the same neocons are still there biding their time.