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> What's in it for Google?

Control and data? Perhaps they have something dystopian in mind?

Edit: It is also another reason to hide from Google.

> Perhaps they have something dystopian in mind?

Oh come on. We've all conceded the days of "Don't be evil" are long gone but Google's type of evil hasn't quite shifted to that of cackling supervillain. It's an evil bred from arrogance, naivety and self-interest - not from an active intent to corrupt society.

In other words: It's the same kind of evil as all real evil, not the kind of evil that is purely fictional. Your point being?

I think you're making the same point as me in that case. It was morningcoffee that had James Bond supervillains in mind.

IC--I read them more as "something that is dystopian" rather than "something that is intended to be dystopian".

Gsuite is not free and it’s unclear if this product is even included as an addin for existing members. I see more “see a demo” and less “activate your account” which leads me to believe there will be a fee. So the answer would be revenue and more reasons for companies to use gsuite since it’s all likely integrated together.

There is a pricing page with bundle prices going from $100 to $400/mo for companies up to 100 Gsuite licenses, and the customary "talk to sales" call to action beyond that.

At this moment Google can destroy almost any SME they like simply by deranking them. They don't have to explain anything either. They just flip a bit, and poof, your livelihood is gone.

But what if you're not a business owner? Oh no, they can't destroy your life on demand! This must be solved!

Google Hire is here to transparently remove all hate-speakers, hate-thinkers and potentially bad people from your hiring lists! Don't worry, we'll find someone else to employ,while those Google-haters rot in misery, unemployed untill they kill themselves. And the best part? We aren't a dictatorship, because technically we're a private corporation! Buy now!

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