It was on their 'The Weeds' podcast, on the latest episode called 'Alexa, raise the minimum wage'. It was in a segment discussing Kevin Roose's daily Twitter updates about the top performing Facebook stories on Kavanaugh/Ford. It looks like the latest one he did was October 4th (
Sources of today's top performing Facebook posts about Kavanaugh, per @crowdtangle:
1. Fox News
2. Ben Shapiro
3. CNSNews ("News the Lefty Media Doesn't Want You to Have")
4. Breitbart
About Dr. Ford:
1. Fox News
2. CNN
3. Daily Caller
4. Breitbart
Sources of today's top performing Facebook posts about Kavanaugh, per @crowdtangle:
1. Fox News 2. Ben Shapiro 3. CNSNews ("News the Lefty Media Doesn't Want You to Have") 4. Breitbart
About Dr. Ford: 1. Fox News 2. CNN 3. Daily Caller 4. Breitbart