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This is a good point.

When I turn right I always check my right mirror. This is not something I was specifically taught, this is something I do because I also bike a lot and am often on the bike lane on the right.

(yes, the design of the lens is such that this should not be an issue but a lot of cyclists will still stupidly cross the crosding instead of following the U shaped path)

You where NOT taught to check that you are not turning into/across some one? WTH?

When doing a maneuver you check your mirror AND turn your head. If you are not taught this I shudder to think what else where left out of your so-called drivers education.

Of course we were told (30 years ago) to check all kind of things but bike lanes on your right did not exist at that time.

I am glad that you can comment on my so called driver education (which includes a L1 rally license) and it is a good thing that today the new driving context (with bike lanes all over the place are correctly taught).

All which of course has nothing to do with my comment about the extra awareness someone gains when being another user of the road (on another device, it goes both ways).

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