How much of this has actually been written? Can't seem to find any information on current progress beyond the releases section (which notes 4 additional chapters in the last couple months, but little about existing chapters), and googling doesn't immediately turn up any kind progress-blog. I'm not assuming in-order writing, since I've seen other `beta` e-books not follow it (and it often makes sense not to)
So far the pace seems to be about two chapters a month, with the update today bringing the total up to 14. According to the TOC, that only leaves three more to go, plus revision and editing. It is being released in-order - following the author's twitter and screenshots posted there over the past two years, it looks like the content is complete.
I bought the book in beta, chapters 1 - 14 are complete, the last 3 chapters are in progress. More than enough material to keep you busy until the author finishes the last 3 chapters.