Not exactly a scientific analogy, but it reminds me of rolling for stats in D&D or similar, where points in one area usually mean less points available for other areas.
It also seems like there's variance in the amount of "points" available normally. Dolph Lundgren for example seems to be playing with higher stats than most people.
Acquired Savants like Jason Padgett who seemingly become able to use dormant brain areas and Phineas Gage who's personality went in seemingly the opposite direction make me wonder if there might be some way to manipulate those odds-to make sure the IO doesn't wind up being a chokepoint.
I don't think it's like in D&D, because I could imagine these people to be highly successful.
I think the environment they grew up in is the problem.
People they had around them just handled them badly because of their intelligence. Sometimes because of envy, sometimes because of high-intelligence leads to being bored with most stuff rather quickly. If people around you think you are bored with everything they wanna do, they think you're a hater and don't want to be around you or even haze you in one way or another.
It also seems like there's variance in the amount of "points" available normally. Dolph Lundgren for example seems to be playing with higher stats than most people.
Acquired Savants like Jason Padgett who seemingly become able to use dormant brain areas and Phineas Gage who's personality went in seemingly the opposite direction make me wonder if there might be some way to manipulate those odds-to make sure the IO doesn't wind up being a chokepoint.