Suppose that people associate with people of roughly equal "success in life". And suppose both IQ and executive function correlate positively with success. Then, at a given level of success, IQ and executive function would be negatively correlated, and so it would appear to an individual surveying their "peer" group.
Basically, consider what would happen if those high IQ individuals you knew combined their intelligence with an even mental keel and extreme conscientiousness. Lucky people like that do exist, but in rarified heights (financial/professional/whatever they choose to optimize for) rarely encountered by us mortals, and so you likely wouldn't have had the chance to meet them
Suppose that people associate with people of roughly equal "success in life". And suppose both IQ and executive function correlate positively with success. Then, at a given level of success, IQ and executive function would be negatively correlated, and so it would appear to an individual surveying their "peer" group.
Basically, consider what would happen if those high IQ individuals you knew combined their intelligence with an even mental keel and extreme conscientiousness. Lucky people like that do exist, but in rarified heights (financial/professional/whatever they choose to optimize for) rarely encountered by us mortals, and so you likely wouldn't have had the chance to meet them