do you have a reference for that? (not that i don't believe you, but i'd like to read that story and share it as a good example how bad this system is)
given the amount of star trek fan-films on youtube (there are thousands, literally) spurious takedowns would be noticeable. so i don't think i am naive here. as long as all your sound and images are original or from a creative commons source a takedown should be unlikely. (that doesn't mean it can't happen though)
> do you have a reference for that? (not that i don't believe you, but i'd like to read that story and share it as a good example how bad this system is)
given the amount of star trek fan-films on youtube (there are thousands, literally) spurious takedowns would be noticeable. so i don't think i am naive here. as long as all your sound and images are original or from a creative commons source a takedown should be unlikely. (that doesn't mean it can't happen though)
greetings, eMBee.