I've already addressed Popcorn time several times in this discussion.
The fact that you've acknowledged that it's not as polished as a commercial product should be a big hint that perhaps commercial products choose RMTP over BT for a valid reason. Perhaps even for the reasons you initially dismissed as nonsense. Perhaps you might need to read up a little more about how professional video deployment actually works before you assuming you understand video deployment better than all those engineers who do this shit for a living. Just because something conceptually works it doesn't mean it's any good when dealing with the expectations of paying customers who might want SLAs of 99.999% uptime, low latency live services (like less than 10 seconds), near zero buffering times etc.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is overwhelming in this thread but trust me when I say video engineers are not stupid people and if their lives could be made easier by using BT then we would definitely be seeing commercial uses of BT for video deployment.
The fact that you've acknowledged that it's not as polished as a commercial product should be a big hint that perhaps commercial products choose RMTP over BT for a valid reason. Perhaps even for the reasons you initially dismissed as nonsense. Perhaps you might need to read up a little more about how professional video deployment actually works before you assuming you understand video deployment better than all those engineers who do this shit for a living. Just because something conceptually works it doesn't mean it's any good when dealing with the expectations of paying customers who might want SLAs of 99.999% uptime, low latency live services (like less than 10 seconds), near zero buffering times etc.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is overwhelming in this thread but trust me when I say video engineers are not stupid people and if their lives could be made easier by using BT then we would definitely be seeing commercial uses of BT for video deployment.