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Facebook is worth $475 billion, 22x as much as Twitter.

FB has 1.5B DAU, Twitter - ~150M DAU. Bytedance has ~200M DAU, and about the same revenue as Twitter. So, Bytedance DAU is valued as an FB DAU - probably reflects expectations that it can get to the FB level (ie. 3x) of per-user revenue extraction and not ends up like Twitter/Snap.

Where are the bulk of their users based? I assume China right? Surely the ARPU in China is way less than the USA where FB/Snap/goog/twtr own most of the market.

SEA and the rest of APAC has huge amount of users as well. This is the deck I got from their recruitment team https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0DEYVDObCi_M3dxcU1XRnVpX09...

Tik Tok is mainly videos though, that is huge difference in the price of ads.

And due to various reasons, some from censorship, some from the medium itself and how the company chooses to operates on it, Tik Tok is mainly free of political contents, which makes it less toxic.

Also Tik Tok breaks out in other major Asian market as well, like Japan/S Korea/Taiwan, etc. Those markets are very lucrative.

South Korea[No.4]: https://www.similarweb.com/apps/top/google/store-rank/kr/all...

Japan[No.8]: https://www.similarweb.com/apps/top/apple/store-rank/jp/all/...

Taiwan[No.2]: https://www.similarweb.com/apps/top/google/store-rank/tw/all...

In fact, if you count China, it is most downloaded iOS apps in the WORLD, for the first quarter of 2018:


And Bytedance has other mega apps other than Tik Tok, like Toutiao, which is its own money maker.

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