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> Most people don’t get it, or understand why it’s so big.

I'll bite. What is it and why it's got so big?

It’s an app for sharing short audiovisual clips and it’s huge because it developed in a culture of good-natured, one-upsmanship that is suited to a broad audience of Asian youth (including China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, South Asia, etc.), and in turn was fueled by adaptive feeds based on user behavior and feedback. I liked it because the content was friendly, accessible, and creative. I assume others felt the same way.

Any samples available on the open web?

Here’s a random sample from my feed today. You’ll get the idea, I think. https://youtu.be/dmuykpPaTkA

So, Vine?

It seems like all those videos are staged. I mean, that's okay I guess, just kind of weird.

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