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Any chance of allowing more TLDs for the registration process? My TLD of choice for e-mail (.Industries) is considered illegitimate when attempting to register for Cloudflare.

Can you contact our support team? All legitimate TLDs should be able to register on Cloudflare.

Is there an e-mail? I tried looking, but the contact form I found required me to register, and thus looping back to my original problem.

Could it be I'm using an alias of Cloudflare@mydomain.industries?

Edit: Attempting "cf@domain.industries" and receiving the same error. Assuming you're accepting .industries registrations, it could very well be my corporate firewall blocking requests to something. I'll attempt again this evening from home.

I'm still in line myself, but any idea if transferring a .bot TLD is possible? Right now amazon seems to only allow Encirca to be the registrar for those domains since it's not technically in any kind of open access right now.

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