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Yeah right now I use email forwarding and SES to send emails (which required setting up an address that belongs to my domain, such as user@exampledomain.com).

In this case I forwarded that email to my gmail account and it all works, but it's not perfect.

In either case, having at least email forwarding or an inbox is essential for a lot of common things you'd want to do on a domain. Forwarding works ok to avoid $60 / year for Google's offerings but has some limitations.

This is coming at it from the POV of just setting up a VPS to host some sites and wanting to accept email from your domain name without paying any more than what the domain cost to register.

I think this use case is super common, especially on HN.

No one thought Let's Encrypt would step up and offer a top tier free SSL solution. If it can be done for SSL, it can be done for real inboxes. :)

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