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Anyone here know if Cloudflare plans to let non-customers to transfer their domains to Cloudflare? Especially, if it's a personal domain? I purchased a domain from GoDaddy and host a blog. But they have been up selling and charging me needlessly. I imagine it's a headache for Cloudflare to support personal domains like GoDaddy does, but I really hope they do.

Yes. As soon as we are through the Early Access period.

If you add your domain to Cloudflare now you'll get on the waitlist.

domains.com is owned by Godaddy AFAIK and they charge you to transfer domains between those two services.

I couldn't find a single mention of this fact anywhere on the internet. The only way to confirm is to go to 'Legal' link at the bottom of domains.com(WHOIS is set to private) and it takes you to a page with the domain www.secureserver.net which is owned by GoDaddy.

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