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I mean being able to set up zackbloom@cloudflare.com as a proper inbox that can send and receive mail without forwarding to another email. Having a web interface for it would be cool but I think a lot of people could also configure existing email clients to access it (at least at the start).

Google Suite is something like $5 / month per domain name so offering that as a free feature would be a pretty big deal.

Google Suite starts at $5 per email address per month; I think asking for free email accounts is beyond the product offering of domain registration/renewal.

And they probably want to reserve usage of their domain for email so you know it's a staff member you're dealing with, which is why google gives away gmail.com addresses, not google.com addresses.

Here are three less expensive email options for you:

1. get a VM and install exim/postfix 2. OpenSRS https://opensrs.com/services/hosted-email/ 3. AWS workmail https://aws.amazon.com/workmail/

To be fair he was asking for exciting and meaningful ways to make it better.

> And they probably want to reserve usage of their domain for email so you know it's a staff member you're dealing with, which is why google gives away gmail.com addresses, not google.com addresses.

These inboxes would be for your custom domain that you registered, not @cloudflare.com for everyone. I used that for his because it sounds like he works there.

Yours would be x13@whateverdomainyouregistered.com.

Looks like opensrs requires to pay a one-time $95 fee. Can one use just hosted email on their domains at $0.5/mo?

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