Partially inspired by recent discussions on HN and other places.
I've made a single-focus site to introduce your friends/colleagues/neighbours/family to RSS and web feeds.
The site is meant to give the elevator pitch for feeds, show a newbie what feeds are and how to use them, set them up with a reader, and give them some nice starter content if they want it.
So much tastemaking and newsmaking power is concentrated in the hands of Facebook/Reddit/Twitter, but I'm convinced it's because much of the general populace doesn't know about feeds.
Many people just don't know of any other option than the core three social sites for keeping up with what they like! They're forced to endure all the anger and fighting of social media, just to keep up to date.
The more people know about feeds, the more they use feeds, the more sites support feeds, and then more people learn about feeds in a virtuous cycle.
I hope to create more uptake of feeds amongst the general population, a more decentralised internet, and maybe just make the average user's day a bit nicer.
Let me know what you think. Questions, comments, all appreciated. Spreading the word is very appreciated. :)
I run one of the more popular readers and I have to ask why wasn't NewsBlur included in your list. It's the oldest on that list for one. It's also got its own native client on all of the platforms. Plus, I'm a HNer and NewsBlur launched on HN as well.
As somebody who has been introducing people, in person, to the concept of RSS for exactly a decade now, I'll mention that for those who really haven't heard of it, which is 10% of folks in tech and 90% of everybody else, my strategy has been to compare it to an inbox for websites with filtering and sharing. Really hits home on the idea that every story shows up unlike the dominant competitor to RSS which is FB/twitter.
95% of the people who leave RSS, and I ask everybody who cancels why they're canceling, leave it because they get their news from social media. Social filtering provides a higher signal than the manual process. I don't blame them.
Personally I built in that serendipity into my reader because I think it belongs in a news reader, but as its own feed among many.