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IPv6 fixes the problem of NAT, and for now most of the copyright spam bots have no support for IPv6. On mobile, IPv6 provides connectivity that is tens of milliseconds better, and wireline providers like Centurylink have direct peering only on IPv6 to Hurricane Electric and other price oriented, IPv6 first mover transit providers

On the topic of DMCA notice bots, they fail to respond to DMCA counter notices FYI, and both Comcast and Centurylink do not handle counter notices properly (despite the latter claiming to).

IMO a DMCA notice that gets counter noticed (where the receiver of the DMCA notice asks for more details, as they are unable to verify any infringement) and doesn't get responded to should go as a black mark against the group that sent the original DMCA notice, as it was a plainly fraudulent DMCA notice.

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