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I'm one of those people who can't use Firefox thanks to the frequent crashing. It happens for me at least once a day, particularly when I have the same site open in multiple tabs. I get a yellow bar saying a script is slowing down this website, and ALL the tabs lock up thanks to it. If you're lucky enough to kill all the impacted tabs (you're rarely that lucky, it's that unresponsive) your browsing experience from then on will be bad, and the whole browser will need restarting.

I haven't seen a Chrome crash in years, yet the Firefox ones are very frequent. Not that I want to switch, I might be the only one here who is happy with Chromium on all my PCs!

Interesting! I occasionally get the "a script is slowing down this website" message, but not nearly so often and killing the affected tabs seems to work OK. I guess some pages are super-extra-bad for Firefox. Or perhaps some extension you have is causing grief? (Though that should be much less able to happen in the era of WebExtensions.)

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