BTW, I see you want vertical splits by default, just like me. Some of us on the vim list have been working on a new option called splitvertical that would open splits vertically by default (You'd use :horizontal to override). I'd love to have you try out the patch and send bug reports (it's been my production editor for a few weeks).
There's a bunch of different commands in vim that open new split windows. :help, :diffsplit, C-], and so on. I'd rather specify my split policy once rather than remember to type :vert or C-w v everytime. (I only found out about C-w v and C-w s after reading OP, so that exacerbated the problem.)
Imagine new plugins that split windows to open tree explorers or previews or whatnot. I'd like splits they create to automatically adopt my policy.
Thanks a lot Steve, this will definitely come in handy.
Quick question - It looks like this requires python support for vim. What would happen if I didn't have python compiled in, and then tried to use this plugin?
This is an idea that I've had in the back of my head for a few years. Tying the undo stack to source control so that you can trivially walk up and down versions extending far into the past. No more "Already at oldest change" messages. I've never got much past "I should do that someday" though.
Looks like you have an older version of Vim. Gundo requires 7.3's new undotree() function. MacVim definitely has a snapshot with 7.3, so grabbing that should fix things.
Yep, Gundo is inspired by histwin. I got the "playback" idea from it.
Histwin only seems to show the "leaves" of the undo tree, much like :undolist. For visual people like me I just can't grok that as well as seeing it all drawn out.
Does vim have the undo tree built in, or this this plugin also providing that functionality? I've never seen an editor which represented the history as a tree instead of a line.
Built in. You can walk the tree or just tell vim to put you back to how the document was at a certain time. (i.e. Put the document how it was 1 minute and 20 seconds ago)
If you dont't know vim, I highly recommend learning it. (or emacs, both are great)
Funny I was thinking about the same thing yesterday. But alas I decided I'd rather sleep than make it myself so kudos and thanks a bunch, it's probably a really helpful plugin.