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With the same appreciation, I maintain this website: https://www.jollycode.org/

Thank you for wasting half an hour of my life after leading me to this: https://github.com/fetlang/fetlang/blob/master/docs/tutorial...

This is nerd sniping at the finest. After reading that document I am embarrassed to admit that I now understand how this code is a UNIX `cat` implementation:

    lick Trisha's toes ten times
    make Clara moan

    Until Amy is dominant towards Alicia
        Have Mistress torture Brian's ear
        If Brian is Trisha's bedtoy
            call safeword

        Have Brian hogtie Clara
    Make slave scream Clara's name
Hints: 'slave' is stdout, and everything after a single quote is ignored. 'lick' is addition, 'moan' and 'scream' are print and println respectively. 'until' is while, and 'call safeword' is break. 'Mistress' is stdin, go read the tutorial for the rest.

Oh man. This is too funny. Some may find it offensive but this legit reads like proper English and is yet executable. Hats off to the creator.

Even this is toned down as I could not bring myself to post the original on HN. For instance, in the real tutorial it is not Brian's ear that is tortured...

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