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Apollo 11 and Other Screw-Ups (doneyles.com)
105 points by shawn on Sept 25, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Eyles has written a book Sunburst and Luminary: An Apollo Memoir, https://www.amazon.com/Sunburst-Luminary-Apollo-Don-Eyles/dp..., published earlier this year which recounts his role in designing and building much of the software in the Apollo guidance computer. It recounts much of this history and is a worthwhile read for space and Apollo junkies.

Discussion from a couple years ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12040503

See also Mindell, David A. Digital Apollo. MIT Press 2011

I second your recommendation of Digital Apollo - an excellent book.

I also rate How Apollo Flew to the Moon by David Woods (Springer Praxis, 2011) very highly. The cover is kind of cheesy but its full of the kind of technical detail that is hard to find without reading through old NASA docs.

The most curious screw ups to me are the badly photoshopped images to get rid of UFO activity. Just look at the testimony by former NASA workers who independently heard the full transcript regarding Apollo team's sightings of extra terrestrial vehicles monitoring them.

Do you have any links for that? I would love to learn more.


no not Buzz but he certainly did do a little more than hint there's something going on but he can't say it for obvious reasons.

If you look at NASA streams they 'randomly' experience technical issues but it's widely observed that this typically happens when a UFO is detected.

there's so much we don't know and are not being told but what is clear is this-extra terrestrials possess technology that far exceeds our own and possibly this dimension, and this scares the shit out of superpowers.

It's supported by the fact that there is so much fake UFO with very real ones (ex. US Navy f-18 video) so you can't claim what is real and what isn't.

Also this happened to USSR with their trip to the Phobos moon when the satellite all of sudden disappeared and there's captured photos showing what appears to be cylindrical objects. We can't send satellites there because they keep disappearing.

The real theory as to why we haven't been back on the moon is because the extra terrestrials that are supposedly mining on the moon will not allow weaponization of space. I know this is shocking but it's the most logical conclusion following the various "technical difficulties" during the live coverage of the moon landing.

20 years ago nobody listened to the theory that the government is snooping on everyone because it was too out there.

We have multiple witness accounts from credible backgrounds being demonized and outcasted as mentally ill.

This is the greatest trick they pull. I mean look around, what has changed after Snowden? Absolutely nothing because there's fuck all we can do about it when everybody is focused on the carrot on the end of the stick.



please provide evidence debunking their testimonials.

I paid nothing to see it.


please stop being patronizing. all you've done is attack my character.


It would be easier to take this article seriously if:

1) The author didn’t misspell the names of the people he’s talking about. It’s George Filer. (“Filir”? Really?) Also, Ed Snowden, not “Snowdon.”

2) The author didn’t denigrate witnesses of significant stature who would be trusted as impeccable sources if they offered opinions on something other than UFOs (multiple NASA astronauts, highly placed intelligence officials, former heads of state, NATO commanders…you know, people who just might possibly know a tad more about the subject than the author)

3) The author knew the full history Carl Sagan, who concluded in his seminal book with the Russian scientist Shklovskii that Earth is likely to have been visited by space faring civilizations at least “every 10,000 years.” And this was decades before we knew earthlike planets pervade the universe.

Then again, nobody would come to skeptic.com expecting anything but blind skepticism toward subjects that are already ruled off-limits by professional pseudoskeptics like Michael Shermer.


I think my point has been made and no I won't engage in endless banter with someone who uses an unreliable secondary resource.

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