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> No programming language can do that (i.e. describe non-computable "algorithms")

Coq certainly can describe properties like this; they're just uninhabited types (all the necessary concepts needed to define "decides halting in linear time" can be defined over an inductive definition of the step function for the programming language of the halting decider; or if what you in fact meant was "a type that represents programs that halt in linear time", it's even easier and requires the same concepts, but a less powerful programming language). There is no specification sublanguage required. I find your distinction to be pretty iffy. Of course, Coq is not a very traditional programming language, but it is a programming language nonetheless.

(I note that you claim that Coq separates types and terms into two different semantic and syntactic categories, which isn't really true. The set model, which is the standard model that justifies the consistency of the calculus of inductive constructions, makes no such distinction!).

Typed programming languages (any typed formal systems, for that matter) are made of two languages, type level and term/object level. While the two are strongly related, they are separate (a term can inhabit a type, but not another term). The level of nondeterminism required for specification exists at the type level and not at the term level, while programming (in the sense I defined above) exists only at the term level. This is what I meant when I said above that a specification language can be embedded into a programming language (this doesn't require types, but can also be done with contracts), but those are still two languages, even if they share syntax. If you like, you can think of TLA+ as being entirely at the type level.

My point is that there are models of (essentially) Coq where there is no distinction between types and terms; both are translated into sets, in a fairly straightforward way. Additionally, one of the major points of dependent type theory is that reduction can occur anywhere, including directly within a type; i.e. term and type cannot be defined separately from one another. I'll go further and say that the fact that a term can only inhabit a type is in some sense definitional, since types are also terms; I can quite easily perform reduction and programming in a term that includes quantifiers, which you would say was part of the nondeterministic type level (in other words, terms do inhabit other terms). So it is extremely unclear to me that the distinction you are making is fundamental.

(To be clear, I do agree that there is a difference between specifying a type and synthesizing an inhabitant for that type; I just think that the "programming-specification" distinction you are making is somewhat artificial, with dependently typed languages demonstrating this particularly effectively by letting you program within your specification as well).

> My point is that there are models of (essentially) Coq where there is no distinction between types and terms

I don't think this is true for Coq. Ultimately, Coq relies on a type/inhabitant separation. When you spoke of Coq as a programming language, the terms you can always "run" are only the inhabitants.

> So it is extremely unclear to me that the distinction you are making is fundamental.

I don't know if it is entirely binary, but it is sufficiently precise for useful terminology. A programming language is a language that can be used for programming, namely it is a language whose every term can be mechanically interpreted in an "efficient manner."

> dependently typed languages demonstrating this particularly effectively by letting you program within your specification as well

I don't think that any existing dependently typed languages do anything particularly effectively (neither programming nor specification), but that is beside the point :) It is certainly possible to combine a specification language and a programming language, but not without some formal delineation or the experience would be frustrating (i.e., it is possible to interpret some subset of TLA+ terms, but I am not sure it can be syntactically easy to determine which). This is, however, something that TLA+ tries hard to avoid as a design principle, because we do not yet know of any feasible way to scale specification from the "program level" to arbitrary levels of interest. Unlike Coq, TLA+ was designed not as a research tool for logicians, but as an industrial-strength tool for practitioners (I wrote about the design principles behind TLA+ in part 1 of my series: https://pron.github.io/tlaplus).

> I don't think this is true for Coq. Ultimately, Coq relies on a type/inhabitant separation. When you spoke of Coq as a programming language, the terms you can always "run" are only the inhabitants.

Firstly, yes, it is absolutely true for Coq (or at least, a large subset of it). The set model is essentially the entire basis for CiC's claim to consistency. I'm fairly sure TLA+ also has such a model (somewhere).

Secondly, all terms in Coq, including types and universes, are inhabitants of some type, so there is no distinction between "the inhabitants" and all Coq terms (it's true that weak head reduction leaves products and other obvious types alone, but that's not the case for stronger forms of reduction like strong normalization, or for full conversion). Moreover, the conversion that occurs in the static phase (typechecking) has the same semantics as the execution during the dynamic phase (runtime). So I really don't understand what you're driving at.

> I don't know if it is entirely binary, but it is sufficiently precise for useful terminology. A programming language is a language that can be used for programming, namely it is a language whose every term can be mechanically interpreted in an "efficient manner."

"Efficient manner" is pretty vague. I suspect there are widely used programming languages that will differ by 3 or 4 orders of magnitude while evaluating semantically identical expressions, while nonetheless both clearly being programming languages. Besides, many optimizations are only optimizations for certain data distributions, and if the compiler guesses wrong it can hurt performance; but that doesn't seem to me to have anything to do with whether something is a programming language or not. If all you care about is the default reduction, Coq's certainly tries to be fairly efficient: beyond optimizing the usual lazy reduction, it exposes many other reduction strategies, tuning knobs to tweak how reduction runs to improve performance when domain information is available, and even contains multiple implementations of some reduction strategies so people can select the appropriate one for their use case.

> I don't think that any existing dependently typed languages do anything particularly effectively (neither programming nor specification), but that is beside the point :)

I'm well aware of your biases here. Regardless of their origins in PL research, plenty of useful work has been done in dependently typed languages, including much larger developments than any I'm aware of in TLA+. I'm not really interested in arguing their relative merits--clearly, both are useful--I'm just asking you not to pretend to make general statements about programming languages while actually talking about TLA+.

> The set model is essentially the entire basis for CiC's claim to consistency.

I am not saying that types do not have a set model, but that types and inhabitants are fundamentally separate. Or, put another way, a lambda term specifies a single (parameterized) execution (up to evaluation strategy), and that is the only thing that can be made to "run" (I'm sure there are ways to extract, say, a sole inhabitant of a type, but types cannot in general be turned into executable programs).

> "Efficient manner" is pretty vague. I suspect there are widely used programming languages that will differ by 3 or 4 orders of magnitude while evaluating semantically identical expressions, while nonetheless both clearly being programming languages.

I'm talking about exponential differences in time complexity, or even infinite ones. You can easily specify "computations" with infinite (or even uncountable) nondeterminism in TLA.

> I'm just asking you not to pretend to make general statements about programming languages while actually talking about TLA+.

My (and I think, Lamport's point) is that there is a fundamental difference between a specification language and a programming language. It is certainly possible to mesh the two and call the result "one language", but then it must necessarily contain two deductive systems, and so I think the distinction can still be made. Even if you object to this distinction, you would agree that the "specification parts" of Coq (i.e. those with significant nondeterminism and use of quantifiers) cannot be generally mechanically executed in an efficient manner. So whether it's two languages or one, there is a fundamental difference between those expressions that can be used for programming (little nondeterminism/use of quantifiers) and those that are necessary for specification (unrestricted nondeterminism/quantifiers).

> I'm talking about exponential differences in time complexity, or even infinite ones. You can easily specify "computations" with infinite (or even uncountable) nondeterminism in TLA.

SQL joins are worst-case exponential in the number of relations joined, where n = the total number of rows in the database (though there are many special cases that can help reduce this). I believe many people nonetheless consider SQL a programming language--with WITH RECURSIVE, it is Turing-complete. You could probably talk me into believing it's more of a "specification language," but despite that people use it for performance-critical things (admittedly usually in one of the special cases where it's better-than-exponential, but such special cases exist for most intractable problems; it doesn't seem to me that the nature of the language can be thought to fundamentally change depending on the data set).

> Even if you object to this distinction, you would agree that the "specification parts" of Coq (i.e. those with significant nondeterminism and use of quantifiers) cannot be generally mechanically executed in an efficient manner.

I specifically object to this! Coq executes what you term the specification parts in a very different way than trying to exhaustively enumerate solutions--one that is actually quite efficient and can be mechanically executed. Essentially, rather than trying to eliminate the quantifier, it tries reducing the type, and the body bound by it. A key point is that this mechanism isn't special-cased for the "specification" parts--it's exactly the same reduction mechanism used everywhere in the program, and indeed it's very important for conversion that reduction behave this way. Thus, you can indeed efficiently, mechanically execute a type in Coq. Once it reaches normal form, of course, you can't perform any more reduction--but from the Coq kernel's perspective, up to eta conversion, types in normal form are distinct from an enumeration of all their inhabitants, meaning it is indeed doing the right thing here.

In other words: Coq does not allow you to only program with non-type terms, and it doesn't make a clean distinction between inhabitants of types and types themselves. Moreover, while for quantified parts this isn't usually that interesting, for nondeterministic parts (such as match expressions on unknown variables) it can actually be quite important; for example, dependent elimination within the return type of a match clause can determine the index of a value of an inductively defined type, thus actually affecting program execution (and vice versa, of course; for instance, a type can be constructed representing n iterated lambdas, where n is an unknown value that may either be specified at runtime or at compile time. It is this latter case that gives rise to techniques like proof by reflection that may approximate an exhaustive search in order to produce a proof object--but they do so because the user wrote a program specifically to do exhaustive search, not because there's some exhaustive search mechanism built into the language).

> I believe many people nonetheless consider SQL a programming language

Yes, but I don't think anyone considers a SQL join to be a description of a linear-time algorithm.

> Coq executes what you term the specification parts in a very different way than trying to exhaustively enumerate solutions--one that is actually quite efficient and can be mechanically executed.

I never said you always need to exhaustively enumerate solutions. Nevertheless, the problem of extracting a computation from a specification (e.g., an inhabitant from a type) is undecidable in general[1]. Hence, specifications cannot be generally compiled, therefore they are not programming languages.

They could be a new kind of programming language, where some search algorithm could sometimes find a computation, but that would be a "programming language" in a completely different sense; Lamport does acknowledge that possibility (I know some people are researching program generation, but the results so don't look very promising, and in any event no one expects them to ever be more than heuristic, even if they're ever effective).

[1]: I'm not sure what happens if you know the type is inhabited. I guess it will be decidable in that case (just as finding a proof of a proposition that's known to be a theorem), but the search is still intractable, and there is no way the resulting computation would be efficient.

> Yes, but I don't think anyone considers a SQL join to be a description of a linear-time algorithm.

This is the first mention either of us have had of "linear-time" outside of a discussion about specifications. There aren't many programming languages that only let you write linear-time algorithms, and I think that's very far from most people's definition of a programming language. That being said, it's not like you can't write linear-time algorithms in Coq; its reduction machine is pretty efficient w.r.t algorithmic complexity (and it's likely to gain native machine integers and arrays soon to bring the constant factor in line with this). Proving linear-time execution for a native Coq function is another question entirely, of course, but you can always model a specific reduction machine in Coq and analyze that instead.

> Hence, specifications cannot be generally compiled, therefore they are not programming languages

I really don't agree with you on this. You have a fixed notion in your head if what it means to compile a type (attempt to find an inhabitant), but that is not how Coq interprets types at all; from its perspective, types are terms of independent interest, and are moreover themselves inhabitants of some other type. We don't expect a program to try to "find the inhabitant" of a term of type boolean when it's compiled; we want to keep reducing the term until it's in normal form (and, hopefully, our theory is consistent so it will be either true or false). In Coq, the same sort of reasoning (more or less) applies to types; it just keeps reducing it until it reaches normal form. There's no special notion of "finding an inhabitant" as distinct from normal program execution, which is exactly why I claim that Coq does not make the "specification-program" distinction. I'm not sure if I can explain it any more simply. I am not saying this is not a meaningful distinction in TLA+, or that it's not a real concept, but it's not the only way of thinking about things.

> I'm not sure what happens if you know the type is inhabited. It might be decidable in that case (just as finding a proof of a proposition that's known to be a theorem), but the search is still intractable, and there is no way the resulting computation would be efficient.

Depends on the problem. In Coq, for decidable problems you can write a decision procedure that is tailored to the individual type, having it produce a proof of the proposition you desire as a byproduct (in fact, in general producing such a procedure is how you prove that the problem is decidable!). Sometimes executing it is tractable and sometimes it isn't, but I don't agree that writing an algorithm to solve such a problem automatically transforms your domain from "efficient, everyday programming" to "ineffecient, specification-driven programming." Moreover, a lot of the time, there will be an easy inefficient decision procedure and a much harder efficient one, but given that they're both written in the same language and solve the same problem it seems hard for me to imagine that one would be considered "ordinary programming" and the other "program extraction" or whatever.

(In response to your [1], tactic languages like Coq's Ltac, much maligned as they are, are basically an attempt at interactive program synthesis; people rarely write complicated proof terms by hand. So I'd say these ideas have been a success, though hardly an unqualified one. Of course, one can argue that it's not "really" synthesis because you're not synthesizing the whole program from nothing but the specification, but even in ordinary program synthesis most successful solutions are based on sketching, where a partial program is provided and the synthesis engine fills in the gaps).

> This is the first mention either of us have had of "linear-time" outside of a discussion about specifications.

I mentioned it before, and my point isn't about linear time in particular. If you write a specification of an algorithm of time complexity T(n), the expectation is that interpreting the algorithm would take p(T(n)), where p is some polynomial (i.e. no exponential slowdown or worse). This is what I mean by "efficient".

> but that is not how Coq interprets types at all; from its perspective, types are terms of independent interest, and are moreover themselves inhabitants of some other type.

That doesn't matter. I can specify a function by giving it a type -- say it's a function from the even naturals to their Goldbach pairs. Turning this into a program requires finding a lambda term that computes such a function.

> There's no special notion of "finding an inhabitant" as distinct from normal program execution

What I meant was that a type in Coq is not a computation (although it could be the result of a computation), and a computation is not a type (although it could produce a type -- Pi types).

> I am not saying this is not a meaningful distinction in TLA+

In TLA+ there is no such distinction because you cannot talk about a program that computes that function, but always the set of all programs that do (you can, of course, give more and more detail to restrict the set, i.e., create subtypes, but there is no "the computation"); that set is always either empty or infinite. In fact, if it's non-empty, it's always too big to even be a set (it's a proper class).

> Sometimes executing it is tractable and sometimes it isn't, but I don't agree that writing an algorithm to solve such a problem automatically transforms your domain from "efficient, everyday programming" to "ineffecient, specification-driven programming."

I am not talking about writing an algorithm to solve such a problem automatically, but about a programming language that always does so.

> So I'd say these ideas have been a success, though hardly an unqualified one.

They have been an abysmal failure when it comes to synthesizing anything that could be considered a replacement for programming. But we're talking about two radically different measures of success. I'm talking about a commercial process of turning lead into gold, and you're talking about turning a couple of lead atoms into gold atoms in a particle accelerator.

> No, I mentioned it before, and my point isn't about linear time in particular. If you write a specification of an algorithm of time complexity T(n), the expectation is that interpreting the algorithm would take O(T(n)). This is what I mean by "efficient".

What algorithm? There are many algorithms that inhabit the same type. A specification that's detailed enough to be able to analyze its complexity is usually a program... and it's easy to write a program that runs in linear time in Coq.

> That doesn't matter. I can specify a function by giving it a type -- say it's a function from the naturals to their Goldbach pairs. Turning this into a program requires finding a lambda term that computes such a function.

In Coq, you cannot specify a function by giving its type. First, CiC is not an extensional type theory in general; it cares about how things are computed, not just what the answer is. Secondly, for many interesting function types in Coq, there are an infinite, or even uncountable, number of inhabitants (for example : Prop -> bool). Moreover, in Coq's core type theory, even if it could automatically find all lambda input-outputs pairs that inhabited some type, that would not be justification to replace the quantified type (you need to assume the function extensionality axiom if you want this).

> I didn't say there was. What I said was that a type in Coq is not a computation, and a computation is not a type. Just as a proof is not a proposition and a proposition is not a proof.

A type in Coq is no more or less a computation than a term is. I don't understand what this has to do with "specification vs programming." As for "a proposition is not a proof", I think that is the main point of significant disagreement between us. Why do you think True doesn't prove Prop, for instance? It may not be the most interesting proof in the world, but neither is the proof I of True (and in many cases, proofs of Prop are very interesting in themselves, particularly in the context of dependent elimination).

> In TLA+ there is no such distinction. You cannot talk about a program that computes that function, but always the set of all programs that do (i.e., just the type).

Okay, then neither of them have such a distinction. What you seem to be missing is that in Coq, the mechanism for manipulating types is not different from the mechanism for ordinary program evaluation; it looks like TLA+ uses an axiomatic formulation rather than computation rules, so if you were to add evaluation to TLA+ you'd probably need a new set of semantics, but that's not the case for Coq.

> I am not talking about writing an algorithm to solve such a problem automatically, but about a programming language that always does so.

As you noted, such a programming language is impossible, so I don't understand why you are talking about it. The impossibility of that hypothetical programming language doesn't mean you can't write a single unified programming language (without two different "parts") that also functions as a specification language, and I genuinely don't understand why you think it does.

> They have been an abysmal failure when it comes to synthesizing anything that could be considered a replacement for programming.

The state of this has been steadily improving! For example, https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~isil/sypet-popl17.pdf looks quite promising for everyday programming tasks.

> A specification that's detailed enough to be able to analyze its complexity is usually a program...

Not necessarily, and I would claim that it usually isn't, but to see that you have to pay close attention to how algorithms and systems are specified. I give the example of the QuickSort algorithm at the beginning of this post: https://pron.github.io/posts/tlaplus_part3

> In Coq, you cannot specify a function by giving its type.

Of course you can; that's the meaning of the type -- it's just not enough to get a computation. That's precisely the point I was getting at. A specification is a description of something at some arbitrary level of detail, but languages that allow compilation -- i.e. programming language -- normally require a minimum level of detail for that to be possible. In a language like Coq, this requirement is a strict syntactic distinction between types and lambda terms.

> First, CiC is not an extensional type theory in general; it cares about how things are computed, not just what the answer is.

Precisely. This is absolutely necessary for a programming language, and undesired in a specification language. (BTW, in TLA, what and how is arbitrary, because the temporal logic lifts everything that in Coq is operational into the denotation)

> A type in Coq is no more or less a computation than a term is.

A type is not a computation. To "run" something, or to speak of the operation of something, that something must be a lambda term.

> the mechanism for manipulating types is not different from the mechanism for ordinary program evaluation

I know that (I don't know Coq, but I know a bit of Lean, which is similar, I think), but that doesn't matter. You can compute with types, but there is a strict distinction between the common form of nonderterministic specification -- types -- and actual computation (not types).

> As you noted, such a programming language is impossible, so I don't understand why you are talking about it.

Because we're trying to work out the difference between a specification language and a programming language. A programming language is one that, when it describes a computation, can always be interpreted efficiently in the sense I meant. A specification language should allow specifying computations at arbitrary levels of detail. I claim that a specification language cannot be a programming language and vice versa -- except if we had this magical language I described. What you can do, and Coq does, is combine two languages in one, but even then the result requires a delineation between a computation and a specification (arbitrary nondet).

> For example, https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~isil/sypet-popl17.pdf looks quite promising for everyday programming tasks.

I honestly do like the research, but this is going from converting two atoms of lead into gold in a particle accelarator to five, or like saying that Olympic high jumpers are steadily improving in jumping all the way to the moon... This is another discussion, but I like the research and I like the practice, but I don't buy the claims that such improvements in research put changes to practice on the horizon. The gap is still huge, and I also think some of the research (especially in programming language theory) is done based on assumptions that completely fail in practice (I wrote about that here: https://pron.github.io/posts/people-dont-write-programs)

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