> Biggest problem for me is the template engine and its incoherence, followed by poor documentation.
What's wrong with the template engine? Also, before you switch to a different SSG, bring up the pain points in the documentation on the Hugo Discourse forum or as an issue in the HugoDocs GitHub repo. Please.
> Also the lack of flexibility in content organization
An example would help. What part of the content organization is inflexible. Of course there are some rules, else how will the SSG find the content consistently? But an example would help. (Atleast all the files don't have to be prefixed with date stamps.)
> I started using Hugo thinking I would not need to know Golang, but could use it as a way of learning the language. I'm starting to realize it's probably better to do it the other way around, as without knowing Golang much of Hugo seems unaccessible or very challenging at the least.
Examples please. What part is inaccessible? I have been using Hugo for 1+ year, and I am still going string on not learning Go (learning Nim instead, it's awesome!)
> This doesn't fit my needs, we are several that interact with the static sites and getting the whole team productive with it is too expensive.
Typically when deploying SSG for a team, most of the team just contributes to the content (Markdown, for example), and few few folks handle the design of the site layout. So everyone doesnt even need to learn Go templates.
What's wrong with the template engine? Also, before you switch to a different SSG, bring up the pain points in the documentation on the Hugo Discourse forum or as an issue in the HugoDocs GitHub repo. Please.
> Also the lack of flexibility in content organization
An example would help. What part of the content organization is inflexible. Of course there are some rules, else how will the SSG find the content consistently? But an example would help. (Atleast all the files don't have to be prefixed with date stamps.)
> I started using Hugo thinking I would not need to know Golang, but could use it as a way of learning the language. I'm starting to realize it's probably better to do it the other way around, as without knowing Golang much of Hugo seems unaccessible or very challenging at the least.
Examples please. What part is inaccessible? I have been using Hugo for 1+ year, and I am still going string on not learning Go (learning Nim instead, it's awesome!)
> This doesn't fit my needs, we are several that interact with the static sites and getting the whole team productive with it is too expensive.
Typically when deploying SSG for a team, most of the team just contributes to the content (Markdown, for example), and few few folks handle the design of the site layout. So everyone doesnt even need to learn Go templates.